Is it a little thing?

Few things make me as happy as seeing something I worked hard for and taken care of still kicking.  Whatever your mind congers up, go with that.  I have had plants for years, and years, and kept them going with plenty of water and sunshine.  I’ve also been known to talk to them when nobody is looking or within ear shot.  Whatever, it works.  Today I drove my truck to work because I was real tired this morning and I was a little light on motivation.  I do this from time to time because the mere sight of my truck makes me happy.  I have had this truck now for, dare I say it, about ten years.  Seems like yesterday my Mom was talking me into the truck over a Ford Focus station wagon.  Yes, that is the truth, I have a thing for station wagons, but I digress.  I went ahead and took my Moms advice and got the truck and it was instant appreciation. I don’t know how people get on without one!  I remember the day I paid it off like it was an hour ago.  Talk about one of the all time greatest feelings in the world, knowing you fulfilled your debt and whatever it was is now yours.  Me and my truck have been around and I have zero plans on it not being with me for a long time to come.  My day went without a hitch while making a big step toward that very thing.  When I headed out to the parking lot I couldn’t help but smile at an object that has become a close friend.

Is that a long board on your rack or are you just happy to see me?

Reduce, Reuse, and Laugh…

A very special delivery came to me today from a place I can only imagine as I have never been.  This enchanted and elusive place is Box Elder, Montana.  My friend Kenny Morsette  and I served in the Army together in the 90’s.  We met in Denver, Colorado while attending an advance school at Lowry Air Force Base (no longer exists.)  After that school I was shipped off to Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and Kenny to Korea.  A year or so later, Kenny was assigned to the very unit I was on Fort Bragg, what are the odds?  Fast forward to today and you all know I have a book I am about to publish called “My Aumakua”.  While trying to figure out what to do for a cover I asked for input from my friend Kenny.  The painting he came up with is nothing short of amazing.  It is as perfect a picture as could be for the cover of my book.  This painting, which I can tell you, for me, is now priceless, arrived today.  It arrived by mail…IN A USED PIZZA BOX!  The mailman walked in holding the box just so, and I looked up and said “I didn’t know you guys delivered pizza too.  Man, the USPS must be strugglin!”  The mailman (Mark) did not find the humor.  Much to my surprise, it was a pizza box, and it was for me.  I saw the address and knew what it was.  On the box was “Putz” hand written above where it says “pizza” which is what Kenny calls me.  Little does he know I actually like it even though its supposed to be a shot.  I looked at the box and couldn’t help but laugh and shake my head.  What a great way to reduce and reuse what would have been trash, but to send two, yes two priceless pieces of art to me, well, its totally Kenny.  I am blessed to have him as a friend and his talent, his passion is nothing short of breathtaking.  You will see what I mean soon.  Thanks Kenny, you are a fantastic artist.

Pizza Box
Fine art shall never taste the same again.


Today I was in a strange mood mainly due to my dreams last night.  I usually don’t remember anything because it is usually something lame like working in my sleep or driving my car on some never ending highway.  Last night was a rare exception because my dreams were clear and memorable.  I was visited by a few friends that I have lost touch with somehow.  The strangest part is that we were all riding in a car together, but none of these guys knows one another.  Anyway, the dream was real fun and when I woke up I kinda tried to squeeze my eyes shut so I could get right back into the dream, but we all know how that goes.  It’s kinda like when a movie or a good book you are into is coming to an end, you feel a little anxiety and disappointment, at least I do.  I thought about the dream all day, but not in the way you might think.  I didn’t try to figure out what it meant or any of that stuff.  What I did however, is promise to do a better job of finding these old friends, getting in touch and having a conversation with them.  I sure hope they are all okay and doing well but either way, I am going to find a way to reach out.  While walking along the beach tonight I could see the reflection of the sky in the water.  It was so pretty and so serine that the stress of the day washed away with every wave.  Have an old friend you lost touch with?  Put it on your “to-do” list for this week to locate them and give them a call.  I’ll bet they were thinking of you too.

El Seg to Manhat
Evening walk from El Segundo Beach to El Porto.

Do your part…

All day long I listen to people complaining about their situation.  Whether it be a crummy job or boss or some other aggravation, all day long.  I hear it on the morning news how things are so unfair out there and how there is this great divide among people today.  I’m not sure how real that is, but the news certainly feels like it is as that seems to be the only news going on, besides the elections crap.  A couple weeks ago I am pretty sure we were at war with terrorists all over the world, but I guess that is not newsworthy anymore.  My point is this;  if you want a better situation or more money or a gold medal at the Olympics, then go get it.  If you want respect at work and to make more money, earn it.  Work hard, train yourself, push yourself, offer ideas and support rather than complaining about things.  Be the employee the boss can count on and they might just do you right for it.  Upset that your neighborhood is dangerous and a mess?  Clean it up.  You live there, make a difference by putting in the effort.  As you know, I walk the beach a lot.  If I see trash on the beach, I pick it up because I don’t want my beach to look trashy.  If you let it go people start to get lazy and begin to treat your beach without respect.  If you want respect you have to give it and you have to live it.  Have respect for others and others will have respect for you.  Keep your beach clean, if nothing else it feels good to do a little good.

beach sign
Redondo Beach, classy.

Energy…Drink it up when you can.

Energy comes from the strangest places.  Our home electricity comes from burning coal, natural gas, nuclear power, hydroelectric or solar.  Our physical energy can come from these same places, and a few others.  Physical energy can come from more physical energy, its true, try it, and from solar, I know because the sun energizes me every time I turn my face to it.  If you have never had more physical energy from natural gas then you are not eating enough tacos.  Do not shy away from a way to increase your energy.  If it means answering a phone call from a friend to re-energize you, then do it.  If it means taking a walk after a long day at work, then do it.  Today, I was driving home, in traffic, in LA, blah, blah, blah, when I noticed my little Hawaiian Warrior Helmet or Kamani Nut Ikaika, hanging from my rear view mirror.  This guy energizes me for many reasons.  It reminds me of the places I have been and how to prepare for the tough times ahead, a lot of things.  Twenty years this little guy has been with me, hanging from a few different rear view mirrors.  Twenty years going strong.  Strong as the macadamia nut shell he is made of.  The energy I feel from this little guy is truly positive.  What is a source of energy for you?  Is it your Warrior Helmet?  Is it Red Bull?  Is it your passion for equal rights?  Is it your love for family and friends?  Whatever it is, tap it, every day.  Tap into that well and feel the glow.  Tap into whatever it is with reckless abandon.  Happy Aloha Friday.  #MyAumakua

Beautiful energy. Aloha.

The carrot…

All this talk about the distribution of wealth has had me thinking the past few weeks.  It has been said that the only two guarantees in life are death and taxes.  I would like to add to that and say there are four guarantees, death, taxes, winning and losing.  There are times you will win and times you will lose.  Some win more than others, but why is that?  My thought is that those that win more have more hunger for the carrot.  Everyone has a carrot they are chasing.  Whether it be a solid, secure retirement, a billion dollars, their next meal,  a place to call home, or maybe a Ferrari, we all have a carrot to chase.  Some chase that carrot with blinders on.  I mean some people have nothing on their mind but that carrot.  For others it is a fleeting vision that would be nice but they are not willing to put the effort in to actually get to it.  Some expect to be given the carrot they seek simply because all humans should be able to enjoy life as one big team where we all tolerate one another, no matter what.  John Lennon’s “Imagine” is a wonderful song and a truly Utopian idea, but it is just not possible.  There will always be competition pushing people to want more.  I’m sure that the first humans distributed their food and water equally between one another, but there was still a chief or leader and I am certain they had their fill whenever they wanted unlike the rest of the tribe.  There has to be a carrot, otherwise there is no reason to put in the hard work, think about it.  I chase a bunch of carrots and I am hungry for all of them.  Once you get that carrot, believe me, you will want another.

One fast carrot.

Rainy days and delays…

I can’t help but feel nostalgic when it rains.  Southern California is basically a desert where water was once diverted so people could inhabit the place.  Measurable rainfall is an odd event that usually causes other rather major events like mudslides and multi-car accidents.  Mudslides occur when rain falls on a mountainside that was burned bare the summer before and the top foot or two lets loose and comes crashing to the bottom.  Anything in its way will be buried and likely never heard from again.  The multi-car accidents however, are preventable.  Unfortunately,  the Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz said it best, “If I only had a brain.”  He had to be talking about driving in the rain in So Cal.  I will always be amazed how some of these people make it to wherever they are going.  The speeds stay the same as dry conditions.  The lane changing and tail-gating stay the same as well.  Driving home today was an adventure, but I made it safe, much to the chagrin of at least five knuckleheads.  I can’t help but think about Hawaii whenever it rains.  The sound of the drops hitting the fronds of the palm tree outside my window takes me back every time.  The only thing missing to take me back to Florida would be the cracking of thunder and lightning blasting across the sky every few seconds.  This rain is a much more peaceful one.  I do long for the rumble of thunder every now and again, but not today.  Today I am enjoying that rare sound outside my window that takes me back to the islands.  #MyAumakua

Rainy SoCal Day

Busy day then bliss…

Today was one of those days.  It all started when I showed up at work.  The customers, challenges, issues, and problems were non-stop all day.  Busy days are nice because you work on many different issues and when you finally have a chance to look up, its lunch time.  Today was not quite that fluid.  I seemed to work on something for an hour or more only to look up at the clock to see it has been fifteen minutes.  After getting chewed up, yelled at, cursed, and on occasion, thanked my day was finally over.  I changed into some workout clothes and headed to my favorite parking lot at El Segundo Beach.  I got out of the car and immediately hit the path.  No stretching or warming up, no sir.  I just started walking.  Every now and again I would speed into a trot or a shuffle as we called it in the Army.  I walked about a mile, then I scrambled down some rocks onto the beach itself.  The sun was preparing to set and it was just beautiful along the entire coast.  I looked up at the bike path I just exited and there was a small group of people.  All of them with their back to the beach and the setting sun.  I continued walking not really thinking too much about it  but started to notice that everyone had their back to the sun.  I suddenly realized that all these people were taking “selfie” pictures.  I have to tell you, I just don’t get it.  Are you so intent on proving to someone, anyone, that you were actually at the place you took the selfie at that you actually miss the very thing you are showing yourself off admiring?  I guess there are some things I will never understand.  The sunset was amazing.  I don’t think I will ever take that for granted.  But hey, if ya can’t beat em…

Selfie after work on beach

Getting things done…

There are few things that satisfy me more than getting things done.  Your character and experience is constructed on things you have done.  To claim something as an experience you had to have completed it.  You can’t be a mountain climber if you have never climbed a mountain.  A little more down to earth are the day to day things we all deal with and getting them done.  I make a list every morning that I simply write “to do” at the top of.  I then sit and think of the things I want to accomplish today along with all the things I know I must accomplish today.  I prioritize each item on the list and check them off as I go.  Toward the end of the day I look at my list and see if there is anything I have left to complete.  If there is I try to get them done.  Sometimes I will deem something that is incomplete as not important and push it to the next day.  You have to be careful with that though because before you know it you will have four things that you have been moving and then they begin to become important.  As some of you may know, I recently finished writing a book.  The pleasure I have being able to say that is beyond explanation but I sure hope I don’t overdo my talking about it.  It has taken me only fifteen years to be able to say that my book is complete so it is a big deal for me.  I will be publishing it in the next few weeks so keep an eye out for “My Aumakua.”  Look, if you are talking about doing something or wishing you had the time for whatever it is, I say write it down and work at it until you can check it off.  Satisfaction comes with completion whether you pass or fail, win or lose, the key is that you tried.  You made the effort and attempt.  Go for it.  Charcoal white tipOceanic White Tip Shark drawn with charcoal.  JO