Adopt a pet…

I find it funny that just about every news show parades some puppies around once a day trying to find a home for them.  I guess that its their way of saying “Hey, the world is going completely off its med’s, and we know that, but here’s some puppies, isn’t that special”.  Wonder why they never bring any kids from the local orphanage onto the show and do the same thing?  #Monday


Where ya been?

I once heard that the first casualty of stress is ones creativity.  I believe this to be true.  Any one of the five of you that follow these occasional posts can attest that you haven’t heard from me in a while.  The reason, or my excuse, has everything to do with stress.  Anyone that knows me, knows that I like to live under a veil of “no stress” in a very Bodhi from the movie “Point Break” way.  The truth is, just like Bodhi, when the going get’s tough, everyone feels stress that has an impact on their life and lifestyle.  Mistakes begin to happen more often.  You complain a lot more about things that used to not matter or were too small for issue.  The worst part, in my opinion, you begin to stress about the things that truly bring you pleasure, and sometimes, find reasons to avoid those things altogether.  Stress, stress, stress, then the weekend… Try to cram a life into one and a half days.  “Hey, writer guy, um, yeah you, the “author”, so uh, when is that new book coming out?”    That is an excellent question that I myself, the aforementioned “author” is hoping to be able to answer soon.  I just need to get my whiny butt up off the ground, brush off and get back to the things that make me who I am.  Time to dig, and deep.  #myaumakua #LifeIsGood #LiveAloha #GetBusy

phone pics 213
Dawn? Dusk? Either way, it’s a beginning.