Hello…is this thing on? (I know…I fell off a bit)

Good day readers.  Doesn’t seem to be many of us around anymore.  Or is there? (key sinister music) I haven’t posted on my web page for quite some time.  Many things have changed in the recent past causing me to back up and reflect.  Went to Cuba, in the nick of time, closed now, wonderful, and quite beautiful place.

I got married as well, not in Cuba, so amazing and happy!

I came home and have been in a complete and total block.  Writers block that is.  Reading is one thing…a good thing…a GREAT thing.  Writing on the other hand is a little more complicated.  To have the imagination I have and not have the ability to put it on paper completely savages my soul.  I have been putting so  much physical and mental energy into my ten hour a day job that when I get home I no longer have time, or energy, to put my imagination onto paper.  I want to finish my first draft of my second novel so bad.  I am exhausted.

Have any advice?
