Managing Time…

Today I came home from work, sat down in my home office and thought about all the projects I have.  All the “to-do’s”.  All the stuff that will take time to complete in a world dictated by the clock on the wall.  I thought about how I wish there was some surf so I could enjoy some quality time with my new board and the waves.  I thought about the books and screenplays I have going that are desperately pining for my attention.  I thought about the time management course I am taking on Linkedin Learning (which by the way is amazing and  It never hurts to click on any button or link that has “Learning” in the title).   I thought about how much time I work.  How much time I talk to friends and family.  I thought again about how much time I spend at work and wondered if I am managing that, the largest block of my day’s time, effectively.  The course I am taking want’s me to make a list of all of these things but, to be honest, I am kind of afraid to.  I mean, what if I make the list and it has so many unfinished things that I slip into shock or something?  I am taking the course for this very reason.  I feel like I am a fairly organized person but I think it wise to re-evaluate my list.  I was reminded today on social media just how fast time blows by.  A photo taken 6 years ago but seemed as though it was last week.  I definitely can stand to manage my time a little better.  After all, “Tomorrow is promised to no one” Walter Payton


Whether the storm…

decides to follow its suggested path laid out by the National Hurricane Center or not, it is sure to be bad for somebody.  I can’t help but feel anguish for the people of the outlying islands and Cuba (which as I write this are being pounded by this major storm).  These storms are given a name because they are truly alive.  The muscle their way through whatever they want and spare some for reasons that are tough to explain.  To all of my friends and family in the South East including the people of Cuba, stay alert and stay tough.  It is so hard being a spectator from the left coast.  Good luck everyone.

Irma Pic

I Should Be Focusing On This, But I’m Gonna Focus On That Right Now, Then Get Back To This After That…

Last we spoke, I explained how I was “blocked” in writers terms.  I have been having a heck of a time getting my usually over-active imagination down on paper.  I tried to just muscle through it the way I do everything else, but didn’t have much luck.  I forced myself to sit down in front of this computer a few times and re-read my outline, re-read what I’ve already written and try to get the wheels turning again.  What I realized this week is that I have a great many things on my mind causing a “thought pile-up” in my head.  The company I work for was sold this week which brings a lot of uncertainty to the future.  I’m newly married and feel like I’ve been letting the stresses of my work life get in the way of my life life.  That one ends today.  I have also, finally, been able to get back out into the water surfing and paddling again after recovering from a broken rib.  It’s a lot of stuff to be dealing with.  I’ve been so “work focused” that I realized I need to go through the pile-up and clean it up, give it some organization.  I’ve gone ahead and started a new project that I plan to turn very quickly.  It will be a personal, business, career self-help style book similar to “Can’t Sell, Can Sell” I wrote a year or so ago.  I really write these things for myself, as strange as that may sound, but if they wind up helping someone else along the way, well that’s great.  I guess my way of fighting the stresses of my work life is to grab a hold of them and make them work for me, not against me any longer.  I looked into the mirror and we’ve decided that we know what to fix so there is truly no time like the present.  I need to get my but back on my bicycle.
