It happened again…

I had an older customer come in the other day holding a blank check in his hand.  He rattled off a list of material he needed in the best English he could muster.  I then told him the total amount of the purchase.  I looked up to see him holding the blank check in outstretched hand, over the counter, for payment with a worried smile on his leathery face.  I looked long and hard at this man, then the check, then back up to him.  I was able to notice some fear and possible embarrassment deep in his eyes.  “Identification” I said, to which he happily pulled out his drivers license and handed that to me.  I confirmed his address was the same as the one on the check, so I proceeded to fill out the the check for him. I have been down this lonely road before.  “Telephono” I asked in my best Espanol.  “Cinco, zero, quattro.” I wrote it out on the top of the check as he said the numbers, then ran the check through our trusty little scam scanner, which is procedure.  Everything was approved and in order so I handed him the invoice and pointed him toward the warehouse to get his items.  “Gracias, gracias, gracias” he thanked me as we shook hands.

I cannot imagine how difficult it must be in this day and age to not be able to read and/or write.  I do not know for sure that he cannot read, but the two usually go hand-in-hand.  How many times has someone taken advantage of him, I wonder?  That thought making me a bit angry.  It never fails to give me pause as to how this is even possible?  I am truly thankful that I grew up in a place with opportunities to become who I am today.  In that mans eyes and on his face I could see so many things, like pain, struggle, thankfulness, and a passion for life.  His hands were hard and course like only a man who has fought his entire life just to “get by” could be.  While others his age are probably thinking about retirement, or, where to go on vacation with the family, he is struggling to find his next job.  His next unbelievably hard and underpaid job that will help him continue to “get-by”.   I know I should probably mind my business, but I wish I could figure out a way to help.  I can’t hand him a pamphlet or a phone number to call…can I?  I mean, the overwhelming thoughts in my head all center around “How the heck can I help?”

I’ve had several of these types of encounters in the past few years, which never fail to make me sad.  If you are ever in a situation like the one I just described, please, please, be as respectful and kind as you can. There is no need to squash someones dignity just because you can do something, but they can’t.  Oh, and those few warts out there that think of this as a good time to screw someone, you had better be very, very careful…karma will rear it’s ugly head at your worst possible time, I promise you.

I have a feeling that I have gained a regular customer…Let’s call it a hunch.

Anyway, I sure hope so.
