What Do You Say When They Finally Answer?

Allow me to set the stage for you.  I wrote and published my book a couple years ago “My Aumakua” (available on Amazon).  Since then, I have been positively inundating Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson @TheRock on social media, Facebook and Twitter mainly.  Well, I “liked” a Facebook post he and John Krasinski (The Office, 13 Hours) made at the gym where they were involved in a challenge to raise money and awareness for veterans #themurphchallenge.  This is a subject near and dear to my heart being a vet myself.  So, naturally, I took the moment to plug my book to Mr. Johnson by begging him and his production company to read my book and help me make it into a movie.  Classy move right?  In my defense, and to my knowledge, neither he or his company have ever looked at one of my posts.  I’m quite sure I am the only one plugging my ideas to him and them as well (wink).  Which is why I was so very surprised when I looked at my Facebook account (@MyAumakua) this morning and found that Mr. Johnson “liked” my post on he and Mr. Krasinski’s post.  Was it really he who did the liking?  Was it a staff member that has seen my barrage of tweets and posts to him, and Seven Bucks Productions, and decided that enough was enough? I may never know the answer to that, but, it made my day and is a big deal to me.  Just thought I would share a happy moment, just in case anyone is listening.  Keep on swimming people, ya just never know.


Back In The Saddle? If Not Today, Then When?

(Actual conversation I had with myself this morning) “Dude, where did the time go?  I think you better get your a$$ back in the saddle pal.   I mean, when was the last time you wrote a blog?  For that matter, when was the last time you worked on your book, went surfing, rode your mountain bike, took your wife out for an elegant dinner?  (All that was in my head, this was out loud) You sir need to organize your time a little better.”

Everyone is busy.  I could also come up with plenty of excuses as to why I haven’t done a lot of these things, but excuses are easy and I don’t like them.  I feel the truly successful people know how to manage their time so efficiently that they are able to fit in all the things they love to do and spend time with all the people they love to spend time with.  There are things I need to change in my life to accomplish this very task.  Some will be difficult for me and others not so much.  There are things I am allowing to affect my time that do not need to be there, and some things I want to be there but are not mainly because of the things I don’t need.  I know, major run on sentence, but necessary.  Everyone seems to have advice today on how easy it is to be successful.  I am finding that there is only two things that can get you wherever it is you want to be.  In my case, where I want to be.  Working hard and getting organized.  By organized, I mean a lot of things.  Maybe I’ll start with having a little less coffee.  One thing is for certain, the clock waits for no one.