It’s cool to care…

This morning a tiny hummingbird flew into my office and immediately, I am sure, realized he had made a big mistake.  Hell, sometimes I feel that way after walking in there, what with all the bars on the windows and doors which are a necessity in South LA.  I was quickly struck by the immense compassion from everyone in the branch.  This very situation is like the ultimate clashing together of frail innocence and potential tragedy.   This tiny creature was obviously stressed out and was clearly unable to find the way out.  Me, being the size I am and this little guy being almost as big as my thumb, I knew catching the little fella was going to be really tough.  Well, after a while he flew near a plant that stands near the coffee pot and went into a still hover.  I jumped up and trotted over to it and as gracefully and carefully as I could, I made a little cage with my hands around him.  I felt him sit on my little finger and not move at all, probably about to pass out from terror.  I went out the front door and released him.  To my astonishment, there is an entire community of hummingbirds that occupy the palm trees that frame the front doors, and every last one of them emerged in flight, welcoming this very important part of their flock back from his alien encounter.  I gotta tell ya, I stood a little taller when I walked in the door.  I could have very easily not cared at all, instead, I’m glad I did and do.  Imagine a world where people cared more about the little things, big things and everyone in between and a little less about only themselves and their own situation.  Today I saved a hummingbird and I feel ten feet tall. #myaumakua #aloha #alohafriday

Yep, that was the guy.  #isintlifewonderful #myaumakua #alohafriday

To Be Appreciated…

It’s funny to me how easy it is to criticize someone, especially when they are not around.  The guts it takes to criticize someone face to face are becoming something like a bird on the endangered list.  When are we going to realize that criticism is the BEST thing that can happen to us?  Please, be hard on me, hurt my feelings, make fun of me!  What good from that could come you may ask.  Well, I will tell you that winning happens a whole lot less then losing.  GET USED TO IT!…THEN…Get stronger…push harder, get used to the lame blocker types that are just trying to keep you from offsetting themselves by sending you some standard letter.  “When the going get’s tough, the tough get…MAD!  and when I say mad I mean, you gotta get plum mad dog MEAN.” (slight, offset Outlaw Jose Whales” reference there).  Look, you and you alone are the one who is going to make your dream happen.  Me, I’m working on it, day by day and blog by blog.  #iwanttobeawriter #myaumakua #aloha #myaumakuabyjasondolson

a little love

Gotta put more in, to get more out…

I am a firm believer that the amount of effort you put into something, the better the outcome is going to be.  That being said, I mean in sports, business, the Arts, all the positive stuff.  You have to keep learning and constantly evolving and changing.  Being challenged is especially important, daily.  Some seem to spend as much time as they can looking for the easiest route to completion, rather than forgetting about the clock and doing the best job they can.  I know it’s easy for this to happen, fall in a rut, but when you pull yourself out of that rut and understand how easy it is to change your own attitude you will see the success you have been searching for.  I made a decision to put more energy into marketing my book a little more fiercely.  I have purchased some copies and special boxes to ship them in.  I have secured some contacts at some of the regular places and a few out of the ordinary places.  In a few days, these books will be flying all across the country and even the ocean.  I am putting more in, money, time, research, and finding a clearer and cleaner target.  For everyone who has helped me with advice and reviews and everything so far, I am in your debt.  As this begins to gain legs of its own (I hope) my focus is going to be shifting to my next book.  All for now.  #itsasecret #myaumakua

books n boxes
USPS don’t fail me now! #rainsleetandsnow #myaumakuabyjasondolson #aloha #aumakua

Can I have your autograph?

Today, my fiance’ sent me a text message telling me that an Aunt of hers living out of state had bought my book, “My Aumakua“.  As exciting as this is for me, it got even better, or strange, well, both.  She asked for our address so she could send the copy she purchased to us so I could autograph it for her, then send it back.  I don’t know about you, the reader, but this is the first time, outside of some regular, daily business, that anyone wanted my autograph.  I was taken aback at first, then my chest kind-of bowed out a bit, then deflated a bit, then back to normal.  I am very proud of my accomplishment as writing a book is no easy task.  Whatever I write along with my name I need to make sure it is meaningful and heartfelt but not too soft, or hard, and I especially need to make sure I don’t overthink any of this.  Hey, this is really exciting and I want to make sure I make my first one a good one.  Who knows, maybe one of these day’s I’ll be a big shot that can brush off all the people wanting my autograph, but I sure hope not.

new arrival  The autograph virgin in the flesh.  #myaumakuabyjasondolson #myaumakua #aloha #makemybookamovie

More than expected…

Sometimes you ask for something rather simple and you wind up getting more than you expected.  It is a really great feeling when that happens.  Like going someplace with consistently average service, only to be blown away by someone delivering exceptional service.  About six months ago I contacted the Veterans Administration because I needed to get a list of my awards and decorations I earned while in the Army.  There were some questions from the company I work for concerning my status so I applied for the list.  Typical of the wonderful and caring service from the VA, it took about 4 months for them to send me the list. It is what I expected so nothing major there.  Today however, I came home to a nice surprise in the form of a large padded envelope containing all of the awards.  The VA packaged up the medals and ribbons, badges, and pins and sent them to me.  I had no idea this was part of the inquiry process.  I certainly did not expect to get more than expected from the VA, but it sure made my day.  I haven’t thought too much about my time in the Army much lately but this was a fun reminder that made me feel very proud of myself.  My turn to deliver more than expected to someone else.

Big part of my life right there.

Efficiency vs. Customer Service…

I get it, you need to be as efficient as possible, got it.  Handheld radios with an earpiece not unlike the Secret Service could possibly deemed a bit much at Target or True Value Hardware.  Here’s the thing, the people wearing the earpiece have to have the responsibility and understanding of the customer service process to NOT have a discussion about NOTHING with their co-worker while they are tendering your purchase!  It is a created thing however and I actually cannot blame them. (Did I just say that?) People constantly talk on their cell phones while checking out at the register, so why not talk on the radio with your friend while checking out some customer?  The reason I found this so strange is because of this very encounter… clerk: “So”… me: “What?” clerk: “can I help you?” me: “um, well I thought this process was self explanatory, I’m checking out.” clerk: “uh, yeah, I was talking to another employee” me: “oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude’ clerk: “Oh, that’s okay.”  me: “?” clerk: (looks at me when done totaling the purchase) me: (I stand there looking back) clerk: its $65.35. me: “That’s too much” clerk: “um, well I’m not sure what to do” me: ‘ask someone on the radio’ clerk: “that is not what the radio is for” me: ” no shit?”  The bill was correct, I just wanted to have a little fun.  The deal is, if you think that your employees at the home improvement depot or the mega super mart can grasp the concept of using the phone, radio, computer or any of the latest conveniences for professional use only,at $15 an hour,  you are mistaken.  What those things are is nothing more than poor customer service.  They would seem to be a tool to enhance customer service, but they don’t, PERIOD.  They enable laziness in your employees and worse yet, in management.  If you are thinking about getting earpieces for your crew and getting more connected…rethink your thought.  #beconsiderate #youreanasshole

Efficient or annoying?  

The “old friend” effect…

Today was an average day with some, rather notable exceptions.  Today I started my regiment of leaving before the bewitching hour of twelve.  I decided last week that I needed to adjust my hours to be more “living friendly”.  When I came home, Nicole and I both had a workout before sitting down and talking while catching up on  some TV.  She asked me, out of the blue, about “The Major” who some of you know, was a very dear friend of mine.  I was a little shocked how I was affected by the conversation.  I mean, he was just a dog, right?  After thinking about it though, he was a little more than that, he was someone I raised from beginning to end.  I watched his every movement, taught him things, and tell funny stories about his antics through his entire life.  It never occurred to me how big that is until tonight.  I was also contacted through the social media app Facebook from an old friend in San Diego I became friends with while living on my boat down there for a year or so.  He said he had bought my book and was excited to read it.  For some reason, this one post, made me very, very happy.  He and I were never what you might call close, but, this was like something out of a movie.  He was interested in something I made, and that is all I need.  Even if he posts a review that say’s less that flattering things, I am proud that he read my story.  I am truly humbled. Thank You. #beagoodfriend #aloha #myaumakuabyjasondolson #alohafriday

Whoever, or whatever you are friends with, make sure you always treat them as good as you would this Duesenberg.  @petersenautomotivemuseum #dreamcar #idputmilesonthatcar #rollingworkofart

.25 Year’s Resolutions…

So, New Years came and went what seems to be about three days ago.  It is now April, and mid-April at that.  Where does the time go?  How is it that we can seemingly bat an eye, and it is this far into a new year?  The saying “Time flies when you are having fun” is true, but not accurate.  The real truth is; Time flies, no matter what.  In my ever present and daily work of motivating myself and getting myself pumped up to do the daily grind (not including all of the wonderful things I am naturally pumped about,) I have decided to reevaluate my new years resolutions and give em a tweak.  It’s okay to make adjustments along the way, especially if something that seemed like a good idea is just not that feasible at this time.  Look, setting goals is not unlike setting course across the ocean for some tropical island destination.  You don’t look at the map one time and then out to the East or West, set sail, and in a few weeks you glide into port at the very destination you chose.  No sir.  You have to work at it, make adjustments, weather a few storms and angry seas, battle the wind, battle no wind, be overwhelmed, be bored, but most of all, you have to continually evaluate your progress.  Good luck.  (Luck. Def- When preparation meets opportunity.)  #Aloha #myaumakuabyjasondolson #getbusy

give up
Sounds like a good place to start.  #myaumakua 


That dreaded day is on the horizon.  Words like “deadline” and “final” coupled with phrases like “last chance” come to the forefront of your already packed stress level.  A friend has been in tears, twice this week about the innocent mistake we have all made filling out the employment form.  Seems strange to claim ZERO…but..what about me?  Well…(something we can all take into the next election) you..yes, YOU…are ZERO!  If you claim yourself as one….oh ho ho ho no sir or maam…you are ZERO.  Filing taxes is not the issue, the issue is how monumentally difficult it is to do so.  This year, I am single, no house, not self employed, no “issues” that could make my filing difficult.  Next year, however, things are going to change.  I can’t just download the latest version of my favorite tax software and be done with it in fifteen minutes.  I have other income, I might be buying a house…I have a lot of stuff happening this year, and even more next!  I guess it is just frustrating how everything else in life is working toward being easier, but the one thing we all dread isn’t changing, at all.  Taxes should be the easiest transaction we do all year, especially being that they are the most aggravating. #profit #nothingbutanumber

Im going to br taxed on these, and many, may others, I hope.  #incometaxblues #itsdarkandimwearingsunglasses #myaumakuabyjasondolson

Soft serve…

It is really strange how everything has become so soft. What the hell happened?  When I was younger it was taught that the direct approach was better than not.  The reason is, bad news only gets worse the longer you take to tell it.  You have to be tactful of course, but say it.  Television shows like “The Jefferson’s, All In the Family, Good Times, Sanford and Son” would never, EVER, get the time of day today.  I watched these shows as a kid on a daily basis.  How and why did things evolve to such softness?  I hate to break it to you, especially if I am the first, but, losing, making mistakes, dropping the ball, being late, etc. etc.  are all things that are going to happen to you a whole lot more than winning, being perfect, catching the ball, and being on time.  My advice is to get yourself to a place where you appreciate losing, coming in second or third, dropping the ball or screwing up.  We all do it, a lot.  The more comfortable you become with these things, the easier it is to learn from them so they don’t happen as often.  You want to be successful?  Be in the fabled “One Percent”, be famous?  Well, you better get tough, and you better get used to disappointment.  You also better become really good at getting up and brushing yourself off, that is a skill you will need, daily.  We don’t need to be so sensitive, what we need is our sense of humor back.  What the hell happened to THAT?  #whatthehellhappened #momraisedmeright #youneedawhoopin #ihateonions

Yosemite 1111 012
Tough enough?  Lounging in Yosimite.  #imsocold #myaumakuabyjasondolson #myaumakua