
Some time ago I was in a place in my life where a television was more than a luxury.  So, I had to cut the cord and stop watching.  This decision was made mainly because I was in the Army, as well as working a part time job so all my money went to food, rent and beer (not necessarily in that order) while stationed in Hawaii.  Cable television was not in the budget.  A side effect of this was that I quickly noticed my demeanor and overall attitude began to change… for the better.  I was still able to get news and current events on my computer so I was not completely disconnected.  I could pick and choose what was relevant to me, or just skip much of it all together and do something else.  Can you do this on your television, sure you can, but I find, in my opinion, that most people are creatures of habit and tend to turn on the same type of programming on a daily basis.  I also found that I was no longer wasting large blocks of time, sitting on my butt in front of the TV.  I was forced, in a sense, to get out of the house and do something.  More often than not however, I found I would pick up a book and read which lead to me being a little more rested and a little more sharp in wit.  On the rare day off I almost always woke up with a plan to go someplace and spend the day.  When a close friend of mine found out I had done this, he bought me a sticker, which is still on an indestructible suitcase I have, which reads “Kill Your TV”.  He also gave me another sticker which is on the same suitcase that reads “Save The World, win valuable prizes” which highlighted his awesome sense of humor.  I look at that period of time in my life as one where I grew quite a bit in mind and soul.

What is my point you may be wondering? I think we advanced and modern people,  are spending way too much time looking at screens, and not enough time walking around, looking around, reading, writing.  I think we are missing a lot of wonderful things, including interacting positively with one another.  We worry so much about getting the video, that we miss making the memory, or worse, helping someone in need.  It has been called progress but it sure feels like retrogression.

These thoughts are mine and influenced by no one.

One thought on “Stickers…

  1. Loraine

    Here’s my side of the story. I wholeheartedly agree with you and never thought my life would reach the place I now find myself in. After growing up in a large family – raiding four children of my own (all of whom now live in other parts of the country) – holding down a very responsible job – living in areas where there were numerous things to do outside of my home – I now find myself retired, living alone – in a new city where there is nothing to do. Shopping is a challenge – no Target – no Michaels or Hobby Lobby where I can find the things I need to satisfy my crafting urges. Lots of clothing stores but there are just so many pairs of shorts and capris one person needs. Here is how my day goes – I get up early because I go to bed early for lack of anything else to do – I am dressed and out of the house before 10:00 am each day – I go to the gym – run errands – return home at lunchtime – make myself a salad and watch the food network for an hour – retreat to my office where I work on my computer – write short stories – spend hours on Pinterest – all the while the TV is on in another room – otherwise the house is so quiet. Around 4:00 when the local news comes on I find myself tuning in to hear about all of the car wrecks, murders, fires – tragic loss of life. That goes on until I make myself a wrap for dinner and begin watching sitcom re-runs because they are funny. I love to read – but find that my eyes get tired so quickly these days that I am limited to shorter periods. Why not get out and make friends you ask? Moving to a small town has been the complete opposite of what I envisioned – I’ve met lots of people who are cordial and friendly when you run into one another in the grocery store but that is as far as it goes. No one invites a single woman into their little cliques. I’ve had so many dinner parties and luncheons inviting couples, single people, young people – but never has anyone reciprocated.
    OK – this sounds like a complaint and it is positively not. The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is thank God for waking me up – and being thankful for the many wonderful things I have in my life. I volunteer at our local hospital one day a week and realize how fortunate I am to have my health – every week I meet and talk with someone who is lonelier than I am. When I hear these terrible stories on the news I thank God that it is not one of my family members. Sometimes when I talk to my grown children I repeat some of these stories – only because I can’t think of anything else to talk about. I am struggling to make changes – but for now I am doing these best I can. TV – with all it’s drawbacks – is a salvation for a large part of our population who are housebound and much worse off than I am. So for now let’s not kill it. Sorry to take so much of your time 🙂


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