
Why is that word so darn scary?  Just the look of that word creates an uneasy feeling in the gut.  Not in everyone of course, I mean, some folks are just wired in a way that the sight of that word is somehow motivational.  I tend to be a guy that thinks about all the many potential outcomes in any risky situation or commitment.  You can re-read that last sentence as, I try to find everything that could go wrong.   I personally think it smart to know what you are risking, or up against if you throw whatever it is you are risking out there.  I will admit, that way of operating has caused me to miss out on a few things that could have gone really well for me.  I have also been fortunate to have held back from a few things that would have made things quite bad for me.  So how do you know when to throw it all in?  I’ve been finding as I get older I am willing to risk more, and more often.  What is my point here you may be asking?  I think the new ad campaign for “The Wall Street Journal” say’s it best.  “Good things come to those who DON’T wait”  Sometimes, the greatest things in life happen when you close your eyes and jump.  That last sentence has nothing to do with bridges, just in case you were wondering.  #WhatTheHellIsHeTalkingAbout #MyAumakua #MakeMyBookAMovie #ScrapingBottom

Wow Travel

If I Ever Win The Lottery, I’m Going To…

How often have we all heard this statement?  Followed by all kinds of hopes and dreams.  I always like to ask “So, how much do you spend on lottery tickets a week”?  It surprises me how often people tell me that they spend a dollar a month, or even none at all.  When someone brings it up I would imagine they have a budget for tickets.  I mean, we all know that if you want to be successful in life, you have to have a plan and put the work in.  That includes winning the lottery.  You have to make the effort to purchase the ticket at the bare minimum.  This would be a good place for a side note that I do not feel that winning the lottery makes one successful.  My personal definition of success is just that, personal, like everyone else out there.  My point is, why sit around daydreaming about something that is truly impossible?  If you don’t purchase a ticket, don’t waste your time dreaming about it.  It’s like chewing gum for some nutritional value, not gonna happen.  What would you do if you won the lottery?  I actually purchase a ticket about twice a month so I can dare to dream a little.  It would be nice to have a little extra capital given to me for choosing some random numbers, I mean, talk about a return on investment, wow.

All this came up when a good customer came in this past week and asked me what I would do if I won the big prize.  I told him I wasn’t really sure what I would do if it actually happened.  He found it funny that I didn’t have a plan, being that he knows I am a guy that believes in ALWAYS having a plan.  In between other customers, I asked him the same question he asked me and boy oh boy did he have plans.  All sorts of plans.  Travel, philanthropy, cars, boats, real estate, you name it, he had plans to spend that money.  After listening to him for about ten minutes, I asked the question I like to ask everyone,  “So, how much do you spend on lottery tickets a week”?  His response floored me.  “Oh, I don’t play the lottery because I think gambling is a foolish waste of time and money”. #SundayFunday #MondayMotivation #myaumakua #LotteryLosers #WasteOfTime

I see.  Can I have my 20 minutes back please.


Hand on my face