
Some time ago I was in a place in my life where a television was more than a luxury.  So, I had to cut the cord and stop watching.  This decision was made mainly because I was in the Army, as well as working a part time job so all my money went to food, rent and beer (not necessarily in that order) while stationed in Hawaii.  Cable television was not in the budget.  A side effect of this was that I quickly noticed my demeanor and overall attitude began to change… for the better.  I was still able to get news and current events on my computer so I was not completely disconnected.  I could pick and choose what was relevant to me, or just skip much of it all together and do something else.  Can you do this on your television, sure you can, but I find, in my opinion, that most people are creatures of habit and tend to turn on the same type of programming on a daily basis.  I also found that I was no longer wasting large blocks of time, sitting on my butt in front of the TV.  I was forced, in a sense, to get out of the house and do something.  More often than not however, I found I would pick up a book and read which lead to me being a little more rested and a little more sharp in wit.  On the rare day off I almost always woke up with a plan to go someplace and spend the day.  When a close friend of mine found out I had done this, he bought me a sticker, which is still on an indestructible suitcase I have, which reads “Kill Your TV”.  He also gave me another sticker which is on the same suitcase that reads “Save The World, win valuable prizes” which highlighted his awesome sense of humor.  I look at that period of time in my life as one where I grew quite a bit in mind and soul.

What is my point you may be wondering? I think we advanced and modern people,  are spending way too much time looking at screens, and not enough time walking around, looking around, reading, writing.  I think we are missing a lot of wonderful things, including interacting positively with one another.  We worry so much about getting the video, that we miss making the memory, or worse, helping someone in need.  It has been called progress but it sure feels like retrogression.

These thoughts are mine and influenced by no one.

What were you thinking…

I see more moments in time and media where I think to myself (and now you) “What were you thinking”!  It amazes me, quite often, what politicians, sports figures, celebrities, and those on news shows (I can’t find my way to say “Journalist” anymore) are willing to say to the public, or in this day, the world.  The first amendment gives us, in the United States, the right to free speech.  The first amendment however does not absolve you of the consequences of your words.  My point is this; What happened to “If you have nothing nice to say, then don’t say it at all'”?  When did everyone get so ugly to one another?  So many hide behind the monitor and their keyboard and say so many nasty things to people they will never know.   Someone in New Jersey can insult someone in Barcelona, whom they never met, with nothing more than a keystroke. When the CB radio craze was going on in the 70’s and 80’s the FCC was all about people being respectful over the radio waves.  Well, they all found a way to circumnavigate the rules and laws and make the CB (Citizens Band) not only obsolete, but obscene.  Today, someone in Europe can say whatever they want to say about someone in India, instantly.  A student can say something about another student at their same school and it hurts locally, and global, in an instant, worldwide, “viral” WORLDWIDE.

I am not saying there should be some sort of regulation on speech.  Free speech, and press, is the backbone of a truly free society, those that agree with the message and those that do not have an equal share. Teach everyone tolerance and acceptance, then  have a debate.   Teach how to understand someone’s alternative position.   So someone disagrees with you, well, give it a think before bashing.  I think the regulation, if any, might need to be at home.  It is not okay to “bash” or “hate” on others over “social media” (In quotes because social media is anything but social)  just because you can hide behind the wall, that is your screen.  I guess my thought is this, if you can’t or won’t say it directly to someone’s face, then don’t say it.  You can also do what I do, give it a few minutes, hours or days and then decide if it is worth putting out onto the world wide web, permanently. You can also choose to be a good person.  Choose to help, or lend a hand.  Choose to be positive and not negative.   Choose to be good.