Step away for one whole day…

What would happen if you decided to take one twenty four hour period and avoided all technology?  The only information you allowed yourself was primitive, like a newspaper.  The only entertainment would be physical, like reading, exercise, hiking, people watching, catching up with your family.  What would happen if you tried this with your whole family?  Would there be a revolt?  Mutiny? Would they recommend you be committed?  Has technology become that important?  Can you do it?  I am of the opinion that everyone should try.  Put it all down and step away, see how it feels.  Turn off the news and read a book.  Trust me when I tell you that whatever news you miss today, it will be just as bad and bleak tomorrow.  Leave your phone at home on purpose and see how foolish so many people look and act staring down at their phone while the beauties of life pass them by, or they walk into a pole.  I’m not saying it’s not an important part of modern life, I’m just wondering if it’s THAT important.   #myaumakua #makemybookamovie #aloha #noneoftheabove

satrurday surf
Purty aint it 😉

The Venice Beach Connection…

This past Saturday I took my book directly to the masses and set up shop on one of the busiest beachfront sidewalks in the country (okay, I made that up, BUT, I would lay a bet that it actually is). Venice Beach California is famous for being its own little world.  If you can imagine it, you will find it at Venice Beach.  Guy on roller blades wearing a turban and a robe playing an electric guitar you say, check, he is there.  Man on roller skates wearing a black Speedo and devil horns on his head, yep, its been done.  I decided to set up there because the spaces to sell your art or trinkets, or books in my case, are all first come, first serve and free.  I did a lot of research to make sure because hey, this is CA and everything has a charge to it, except that apparently.  Upon arrival, my beautiful fiance and I strolled along the walk with no clue what to do, so we just kept walking.  Little piles of trash or “markers” as we found out, were reserving spaces for people.  We came to an opening and paused.  Just then, a friendly voice from the opposite side of the walk said “That space there, it’s open.  Put your stuff there, number 71.” Great, cool!  I walked over to him and introduced myself.  His name is Ahab, yep, like the captain in “Moby Dick”.  For the remainder of the day, Ahab schooled us on the process, the superstitions, (at one point he walked around his spot and ours slinging water all over the ground.  He said it was good luck to do this in his home country of Egypt, so why not here?) and rules as there is a lot of police presence these days.  Sales were light for us, but good for Ahab.  We took a lot of notes and have some ideas that I plan to put together before the next time we go.  It is a long, hot day, but one sale, one connection is all it takes to get energized.  The key, we found,  is to get people to come over to the table.  If we get them there, boom, sale!  I say this confidently because in the entire day, only two people came up to the table, but both bought a book.   The whole process looks to be like going camping.  The first time, you fumble about with everything, tent, cookware, campfire, but, after a few times out, you perfect your system and things are much smoother and fun.  I will continue to perfect the site and the process so more success will come of it.  #myaumakua #justkeepswimming #makemybookamovie #aloha #venicebeach

Venice Day

Ignorance IS Bliss…

True statement.  In fact, I may have said it before.  Today I was reminded how important it is to concentrate on the things within your immediate, and true control.  I like to use the excuse “I’m just not wired that way” when talking about challenges at work.  I grew up with the railroad spike of work ethic being pounded into my being.  The following is not a comparison, but, the great Walter Payton could have been the absolute, hands down, greatest football player the world has ever known.  To some (like me) he is.  Football is a team sport however, so no matter how good one player is, if key people on the team are not on the same page, well, you lose, a lot.  Walter Payton knew all about losing, but somehow he never lost his will to win.  His work ethic was rivaled by no one, and yet, it wasn’t enough, that is, until the 85′ Bears gelled and the rest of the team got on board.  I heard enough “what’s the point” and “it doesn’t matter” and “just fall in line with what they are wanting us to do” today to want to throw up.  Then I realized how unhappy all this makes me and I also realized that one thing I am in control of is my own happiness.  I realized that many of the things I have been stressing over are things I have no control over, so I decided to let em go.  I will control the things that I can and not worry about the things I can’t.  Ready…Get Set……GO!!!!

give up


It’s hard enough to get people to peel themselves away from the glow of television, phone, Ipad, or computer and get outside, breathe the air and enjoy their surroundings.  What I saw yesterday at the beach gave me pause for sure.  I love the banner planes, mainly because you seem to only see them when you are at the beach, the happiest place on earth (eat your heart out Micky Mouse).  I have no words.  Have a good week.  #myaumakua #ventsurfer #killyourtv #allthenewslies

Watch TV Banner

Help me, help you…

I call this “The Jerry Maguire Rule” because, if you saw the movie, and or remember the scene, Jerry begged this very line, over, and over, until it registered to his ego-maniacal client.  I thought it fitting to explain this to certain employees that need some help understanding the objective from time to time.  Sometimes it is hard to convince someone that the objective is for their own good, but to get there, sometimes, you have to look beyond yourself.  Managing people for instance.  Almost all of a managers success lies in the success of the people being managed.  If they don’t feel successful, needed, or included, your success as a manger will be limited.  If a farmer managing a field fails to water, fertilize, and make sure there is proper sunlight and pest prevention, the fruit will be average.  The crop in the sales and business management world is people and the fruit is the success of the teams labor.  If you don’t provide opportunity you will see nominal performance.  Sometimes you have to get down on your knees to show the opportunity, and possibly even straight out beg for your people to take advantage of it, “Help ME, help you!” but when that light comes on, you will see the fruit.  Businesses fail when they fail their people.


Have you noticed an increase in fear, aggravation, hate, and violence?  Yeah, me too.  I’ve come to a conclusion of sorts that it has a lot to do with the information we receive and who from.  I am making an effort to stop looking at the news that is currently being provided, instead, I am searching for a new source.  There has to be some news source out there with the basic foundations of integrity, fact-finding, honest, and responsible reporting, right?  The big providers seem so bent on getting the story out that facts are an afterthought.  I find it very strange that a story can be on all the outlets the minute it breaks, but once it is found that the hook that made it interesting is no longer there, it disappears into oblivion.  Let me just say this.  If you are going to rush to judgement, then, cruise around as if you know the facts as if you were standing in the place where the interesting story happened…you better consider your source.  I trust the news being reported to me about as much as I trust a politician, in other words, not at all.  Wake up everyone, we need to get educated.  Not too long ago, if something happened overnight, you had to wait until tomorrow to READ it in the newspaper.  That is, IF the newspaper wasn’t already printed and on its way to be delivered to your door.  I’m not going to shake a cane at anyone, I’m not that old, but I do think we need to catch ourselves and apply the breaks, sometimes, until all the facts are in.  In the meantime, go outside more, say hi to your neighbor more, get more fresh air, do something nice for someone you don’t know or just met.  Calm down and be the positive, good person you demand everyone else be.  One of the “Roadhouse Rules”, be nice.

Redondo Sunset
Pretty, isn’t it?  #myaumakua