I Don’t Know How To Vote?

I don’t care if you are a Democrat, Republican, or Independent voter like me.  I have been asked by some this very question while others have said to me they don’t vote because they don’t know how.  Before the blood pressure rises, read on.  I’m by no means advocating any party or ballot initiative.  First of all, as an Army veteran, I believe the right way to vote if you qualify and are properly registered, is to cast a ballot in every election you can.  Not everyone in the world has that right and many are still fighting for the right to vote as we speak.  Women have only had the right to vote in the United States since 1920 if you can believe that.  So that is why I say, if you can, then do.

The right way to vote takes some time.  It  is a big responsibility that should be taken seriously.   Carve out a little time before election day to educate yourself on the candidates and their views, goals, promises and history.  Decide ahead of time if you are one that votes straight down your party line or vote for those that line up with your beliefs and compass.  Call up a group of friends to meet up and have a discussion about the propositions being put forth in your district and state.  Read the fine print at the end of those television commercials to see who’s paying for them.  Google those names and see what they are about and if they are in line with your views than vote accordingly.  Go to the polling place near you and get in line.  Get your ballot, enter the booth and follow the directions.  The actual process is quite easy.  Be ready for a lot of people to be hanging around the polling place trying to sway you to vote the way they want you to.  Vote for this guy or that lady and vote yes on Prop whatever because those choices benefit me.  Every ad I see that is attacking a candidate or proposition makes me ask myself “I wonder what is in it for them”?  When I was a kid we had a mock-election in school, teaching us how to vote.  Not just the physical act of voting, but all that should lead up to it.  Now that is some education we need more of.

I have heard so many people say “This election is the most important one we have ever faced”.  I’m not sure what makes this one any more important than previous or future elections being that they are all important.  In my past I have gone into the booth feeling angry and have voted for anyone that was not currently holding office. I have thought for years that there needs to be term limits in the Congress and Senate and although some of my friends disagree with some of my views, we know that it is okay to disagree about some things and still be friends.  I find it funny when you find yourself in a political conversation with someone only to find out they didn’t even vote.  If you have an opinion, which most Americans do, then exercise your right’s and vote.  JO.

#Vote #GetOutAndVote #YourVoteCounts #TermLimits #MyAumakua #NoVoteNoComplaints #Sufferage #1920

I’m not sure what to say…

Over the last few months I have been at a loss for words.  I am not sure what to call it, or if I need to call it anything.  A writer might call it “writers block”.  Well, with all the follow-up questions and the details needed when one states they are a “writer” I’ll pass on calling my case “writers block”.  I do have a self-published book, “My Aumakua” as well as a self-published pamphlet “Can’t Sell, Can Sell” both available on Amazon (Never miss an opportunity to plug).  I am also working on a second novel titled “Scraping Bottom” and a few movie screenplays, as well as this blog.  I still don’t feel I qualify as a writer as it is not my profession.  I don’t answer “surfer” when someone asks “So, what do you do”?  I can’t put a name on my difficulty in coming up with new words partly because I feel like my wheels are all pulling in different directions.  Has something like this ever happened to you?

I have a lot of things I want to get done and I have realized that the problem I may be having is that I am not making the time to check them off the list.  It’s not a matter of not having the time, but making the time.  My good friend is on a journey within himself right now and he has ignited a few fires in me through his seemingly  inexhaustible energy to get focused and true my aim.  (Check out his website here: http://www.built4surf.com )  The equation I gave him in one of our discussions about the time I have in a day is this: (Family)+(Income)+(Personal Goals)=33+33+33=99.99% of the day. Like everyone who read that, including myself, I know that it’s not that simple.  Those three variables are ever changing and being adjusted, ebbing and flowing, if you will.

So where does that leave me?  Well, I’ve written this which I can tell you was about as hard as getting off the couch after work, putting my running shoes on and going for a run.  Not very easy, but actually, not that hard.  I guess sometimes you just have to get off your ass and lace those things up, whatever they may be.