Many Things Are Getting Smarter…

You already know this through the magic of advertising.  Phones, coffee makers, cars, watches, televisions, and dare I say it, books.  Everything seems to now come with “Smart” on the box or in the description.  All this technology, or smartness seems to be coming at a cost however.  People stare into their phone for hours on end but have trouble naming the capital of the state in which they live.  Instead of understanding the toil a craftsmen goes through to create something, it is easier to just U-Tube or P-trest the outcome.  Sometimes the satisfaction in completing or accomplishing something is tied directly to the difficulty and pain it took to get there.  Attention spans and patience in people are slipping away as each generation is born.  Are our tools becoming smarter than we are?  Are we relying on our tools to the tipping point of actually using less of our brains and bodies than we already were to begin with?  Look around and take detailed notice of what is happening to society.  A smart car does nothing to help the driver drive better, that only comes with practice and paying attention.  A smart phone makes a call no different than a pay phone, but when was the last time you saw one of those?  Am I bitter?  Far from it.  I think all this development and technology is nothing short of amazing, but I personally feel it is time we all start being a little more responsible with it.  It really doesn’t matter what the capital of the state you live in is, outside of a geography exam.  That is, until someone asks you at a party while surrounded by friends.  Can you see the looks and muffled laughter?  Work to become a smart human that relies a little less on the tools.  #WednesdayWisdom #Thoughts #CYOWB #Trivia