Two Weeks…

I get to start a glorious two week vacation today.  It sort of figures that there is no surf to be had right now, but that may be a good thing.  According to the news, there are an awful lot of sharks hanging around the shoreline.  So many sightings in fact that several beaches in the area are closed.  I really wanted to go surf this morning, and would have, if there was any.  I stayed in and fired up the computer to see what, if anything, has been happening with my ever so neglected website  As it happens, something BIG happened.  I posted a blog about my aggravating time at the gym (yes, I noticed my mood as well and am fixing that) and an old friend made contact with me.  He and I were “thick as thieves” as they say back in the day.  His contact has actually made my heart sing!  If you read this one pal, lets figure out a way to get a call made, eh?  I truly cannot stress how wonderful a feeling it is to get that contact.  Its something we should all make time to do.  Find that friend you think about often and do a little detective work and make that contact.  You will be glad you did, but the person on the other end will be absolutely delighted.

I have got to go get packing now for our trip to Florida and a little side jaunt to Cuba.  Yes, the island nation that Americans are finally allowed to travel to directly from the U.S.  I am so very excited about this trip.  Look for a little “travel blog” to pop up from all this.  Be excellent to each other.


A Minor Rant…

So, I’ve been going to the gym pretty regularly lately and there is something bugging me there I really need to get off my chest.  I change into my workout clothes at work just before I leave, mainly to extinguish any excuses I may conjure up while battling LA traffic on my way to the gym.  When I finally arrive, I go inside to find the place pretty crowded.  This however, does not bother me.  What does bother me is the large number of people on any one of the many torture devices casually talking on their phone, or emailing/texting, or reading a book, having a conversation with their pal next to them.  Here’s the thing, I don’t want to be there, I need to be there, so I don’t go to this place for a social engagement or to catch up on social media, I go to workout.  I get it, we all lead very busy lives and sometimes they colide.  Well, when they do, get off the machine someone else is waiting to use and go do your business someplace else!  When I leave the place I can literally wring the sweat out of my shirt.  Pushing that hard after a long day at the office is not easy, but it is the only way to get the results I want to achieve.  So, if you are reading this, do me a favor and show a bit of courtesy.  If you want to read your book, go to the library.  (Whiney Baby Rant complete) #YouCanReadMyBookAtTheGym #MyAumakua #ItsCalledAWorkoutForAReason
