Just when you think its…

When you over think something, it’ll drive you nuts.  When you don’t think something through, it could end up in disaster.  When you don’t think at all, well, you get what you deserve.  Things are amazing right now, for me.  There is meat on the grill and a roof over my head.  Priorities, think about your priorities.  What’s really important?  When you find the answer, covet it.  On to Thursday.

The Money Tree
The Money Tree in my office.  Note the bars and cage on the windows. #ILoveLA

Make your choice…

Today started right away with a carpenter who works on the set of the television series “Sons of Anarchy.” He came in right when the clock struck six, looking for an item “Some guy from the studio called and talked to someone about yesterday” (eyeroll).  I asked him if he had any idea what the item was and he said “no”, followed by “some bracket looking thing.”  Okay, we’re getting somewhere, further at least from nowhere which is where we started.  After a little bit of joking and talking I figured out what he was looking for and finished up the sale.  You could tell that he really enjoyed what he does for a living, even if he was sent out with very little info, he still made it work.  I like to think he made his choice when he woke up this morning to do his best and stay on the brighter side.  I did the same thing this morning on my way to work.  It felt really great to have a little fun throughout the day and I think I am going to make this choice everyday.  It’s not easy, I mean, sometimes you want something and end up with nothing and sometimes you want some of everything and end up with a belly ache.  This is one thing I am going to do, everyday.  Life has a way of handing you some pretty serious challenges when you least expect it, or even deserve it.  Some good friends of mine lost their house and their dogs to a fire over the weekend.  They were not ready, nor expecting, nor deserving of this I can tell you.  The things you can control in life are your attitude and your happiness, so wake up and choose to be happy, then force a sunny attitude and I guarantee a good day.

truck tuesday
Food Truck Tuesday at the Redondo Beach Performing Arts Center. #atetoomuch #bellyache

It seems to relate…

“So, what’s your book about?”  This question is one that’s answer seems like it would be a slam dunk after working as long as I did on this story.  I was getting a haircut the other day and the stylist asked me that very question.  After I fumbled through a somewhat confusing response, she said it sounded cool.  When I left the shop, Nicole said to me “You really need to get better at your response to that question.”  So I started practicing, mostly in my head, but practicing nonetheless.  The thing that has really been striking to me however, is how many people can relate to this story.  Several people have told me their story of Aumakua, even though they never knew what to call it.  A seagull that hangs around, or butterflies in the yard, or a hummingbird in the doorway, all of these stories relate. My answer to the question’s are getting better and more fluid.  Now, if I can just get Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson to read #MyAumakua then ask to meet me so we can write a screenplay for the movie, wouldn’t that be something.  Thank’s for your support.

Malibu morning #MyAumakuabyjasondolson #Aloha #AlohaFriday #MakeThisBookaMovie

Clear vision..

I’m not just talking about eyesight, I’m talking about your personal vision, is it clear?  I think my own, might be.  Seems strange to have a clear sight through the fog I have been navigating though, and it is about time, being how quickly life runs by, after all.  I have heard so many successful people say the words “I wish I had started earlier” so much so that it actually scares me a little, in a good way.  It’s like wrestling a lion.

sun pic

Learn from it all…

Today I continued my above average ability to “Multi-Mistake” finding simple details that I missed.   The problem is multi-faceted.  It’s not just me, although that is where the buck stops, it’s more than that.  Everyone wants to be the most important customer, but, are you?  Really?  I mean, are you holding up your end of the bargain?  Are you doing all the things that should help you sustain that top spot?  I was yelled at today by a customer that had issue with his bill, too high naturally, but he failed to realize that he added many items after the fact.  I let him know about the extra items added after the original quote but his argument was that I should have had them in the quote to begin with.  How could I do that, I mean, I order what you ask for, nothing more, nothing less, right?  If you order a pizza and tell them you want cheese and nothing else, well, why be pissed when you don’t get pepperoni?  I can see the argument about sauce coming, don’t try me on this one.  Anyway, be a good customer before you expect the business you deal with to bend over backwards for you.  It always, always, always starts with you.  Today, three out of three mistakes were made by me, where the buck stops.

Stopped buck…right here


In the fifth grade, my teacher, Mr. Loute (sp), would read to us every afternoon for about thirty minutes.  I looked forward to this time of the day, even more than recess.  The second half of the year he read a book to us called “The Iceberg Hermit” by Arthur Roth.  His reading of this book actually changed my life.  I fell in love with reading and figured out that I had a very vivid imagination.  He was very animated when he read to us and all I can remember is being so excited about what was going to happen next. He would adjust his inflection and even his accent to the character’s of the story.  Truly one of, if not the most memorable thing any of my teachers did.  If you like adventure fiction, I can tell you that The Iceberg Hermit is a good read.  Today I came home to the paperback proof copy of my newly published book in my mailbox.  I have been holding it since it arrived like it was a newborn baby.  The very minute I looked at it out of the box, my mind immediately thought of The Iceberg Hermit and Mr. Loght(sp).  I’ll be honest and say that I got a lump in my throat.  I can’t believe this book I am holding is filled with my imagination put into print.  I would give anything to be able to tell my fifth grade teacher how much I appreciate him doing for us what he did.  “If you’re up there looking down on one of your old pupils, I am sorry I can’t remember how to spell your name but how about this…  Thank You Mr. L!!!!!!”

new arrival

Longer afternoons…

So glad the sun is staying out longer after work.  Today I came home and squeezed in a quick workout before me and my everything walked to the Redondo Beach Performing Arts Center for dinner.  I know it sounds strange going to a performing arts center for dinner, but it was “Food Truck Tuesday.” There were four food trucks of different types out in the parking lot allowing us a lot of choices.  We grabbed a little something from three of them and it was good.  Main thing was how nice it was to walk and talk, hold hands and even daydream a little.  All this after a full days work.  We came home and worked on my website, this one (you may notice a few changes), and made up some business cards to help promote “My Aumakua.”  The suns energy has a very real, positive effect on me.  If you are ever feeling down, go outside and get a little vitamin D, might make you feel better.    #myaumakua @aloha #alohafriday


Cold reminder…

Today was a typical Monday for me.  I was not feeling like being at work, what with all the excitement of my book “My Aumakua” being published and all the celebrating we did because of that.  We were pretty slow today which was not a good thing because when it is like that I can hear every second as they pass.  Mid morning, a man walked into the showroom wearing a blanket.  He walked up to the counter where I was and said “Hello sir, I’m sorry to bother you.”  I rolled my eyes, aggravated by what was sure to come next. I stood up and asked “What can I do for you bud?” in a slightly annoyed tone.  In my head I was readying my response for when he asked for some money.  “No, don’t have any money pal, you’re gonna have to move along.” was what I quickly decided to go with so now I just waited for the answer.  “I’m hungry and I don’t know what else to do and I’m very sorry for bothering you.” he said.  I was taken aback and even a little stunned.  I looked over at my coworker and she immediately held up her banana for me to give to him.  He said “thank you” and headed for the door.  I told him to hang on a sec and went and got my lunch and a couple of granola bars.  I brought them out to him and he traded me for the banana peel.  I poured him a cup of water, and he thanked me again and headed right out the door and down the street.  This situation could have gone a number of different ways but I think this was the best way.  This was a very cold reminder of how fortunate I am, many of us are.  His reality is closer than a lot of us think it is.  I’m thankful he was strong enough to come into my place of business and ask for help.  I really needed that.


Ahhh…What a weekend.

I said I would not be messing with all the electronic distractions on my last blog, well, I pulled the truth a little. I decided to take the break and work on the cover for my book.  Yes, my book, as it can officially be called now “#MyAumakua.” To those of you that read…read my book, then make a comment, good or bad.  Hard copy coming soon.

MA Cover 1


Sunshine, sunshine and more sunshine.

While driving home from work tonight, I was listening to the radio having a battle, like the basketball finals only with songs from the 80’s.  This made me feel very strange mainly because the 80’s don’t feel all that long ago.  I was also thinking how clever this bit is to gain more listeners and potentially keep them.  I don’t care a bit about basketball, but  put some 80’s music on and all of a sudden I have an opinion.  At the end of the second song  (Asia’s “Africa”, the clear winner,) the radio station gave a weather report. The Dj said, “Sunshine, sunshine and more sunshine is what is in store for southern California for the next few days, enjoy everyone.”  As I found myself driving along with a big smile on my face, I could’t help it, I immediately started conjuring up a list in my head of all the things I want to accomplish this weekend.  I will not waste this beautiful gift, not this one.  I am going to avoid the television like its got herpes and all the other electronic things that keep me from enjoying my world.  There is a lot to do and a short amount of time to do them but I am up for the challenge.  So excited! @aloha #alohafriday

bike path